Week of 12/23-12/27: Village Office will be closed 12/23 at 11:30a and will re-open 12/26 at 8AM. Trash schedule has changed for the week. Thursday 12/26 pickup will be for Tuesday and Wednesday's normal route. Friday 12/27 pickup will be Thursdays normal route and Bulk Pickup. See our news post on the full upcoming Holiday closure and trash schedule changes.

12/2024: The Municipal Park entrance drive will be temporarily closed for a construction project. The park itself is open, just the drive to access the park is closed. Please use the entrance at the top of Washington St. to access. No vehicle access is available at this time. 

Welcome to our new website!

Posted on December 8, 2022

Multi device homepage screenshot

Welcome to our new website!

As you can see, it’s still a work in progress because we are building openly, iteratively and collaboratively with the West Milton community.


There are two phases to our official launch:

  • BETA: Get feedback from the community.
  • LIVE: Formally launch the official website (and continuously improve it)


What’s been done:

  • Training and empowerment on new web tools
  • Organize content into a customer service approach
  • Prioritize plain language
  • ADA compliance
  • Predictive search
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Interactive get answers
  • Updated services information
  • Website encryption
  • BETA Launch
  • LIVE launch

What’s up next:

  • Iterate on feedback
  • Add and improve content
  • Continuous improvement

Give us your feedback

As we build the new website, we want your input. Please share your ideas.

Connect with us

We want to make sure you’re updated on our progress. Please connect with us as we build our future website together.

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