Update from AGE as of 11/5/2024:
“NATURAL GAS AGGREGATION UPDATE – Our consultant, AGE, is continuing to work with CenterPoint and potential natural gas suppliers to resolve some data issues that are currently halting the finalization of prices and contracts begin executed under the natural gas aggregation program. During this gap in service of the program, residents who had been participating in the program while served by Constellation were assigned to CenterPoint’s Standard Choice Offer at the end of September where those rates have been as follows:
• October 2024 – $0.4066 per ccf
• November 2024 – $0.3810 per ccf
We will continue to work towards restarting the natural gas aggregation program as soon as we can. For residents who want to be included in that program automatically, they should remain on the Standard Choice Offer in the short-term until the program is able to restart.”