Upcoming Hamilton St. Booster Station Maintenance/Repairs: Tuesday, 3/25 starting at 8:00 am. You will receive a notice on orange paper if you will be affected in this upcoming water outage. If you do not receive an orange paper please disregard this as you will not be effected. This will not be for the entire Village. For more details see our news post with a map of the area that will be effected.

Click to complete the West Milton Community Needs Survey.

Tax FAQs

The Village of West Milton contracts with Central Collection Agency for collection of our income tax. CCA can be reached via their website. at http://ccatax.ci.cleveland.oh.us/.


The school taxes for West Milton are handled through the State of Ohio Department of Taxation. Please visit their website, School District Income Tax | Department of Taxation (ohio.gov) for more information.

The Milton-Union School district tax number is 5505.

The Village of West Milton contracts with Central Collection Agency (CCA) for collection of our income tax. For more information please contact CCA.

The income tax rate for West Milton is 1.5% and is levied on salaries, wages, commissions, other compensation, business net profits., etc.

The Village of West Milton contracts with Central Collection Agency (CCA) for collection of our income tax. They are paid directly through CCA. The Village has no information on residents accounts and cannot access those. Please contact CCA for more information regarding Village income tax.

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