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Archives: FAQs

What do I need to purchase a Hometown Hero banner?

The purchaser will need to have a completed banner application. A photo of the service person either an actual photo or digital format. Please note digital images need to be high resolution and at least 400DPI. And also payment for the banner, either in cash, check, or credit card form.

How do I purchase a Hometown Hero banner?

The person wanting to purchase the banner would need to get in contact with the Village office and obtain a banner application. Upon completion of the application they will need to provide a photo of the service person and submit payment in full in order for the banner to be ordered.

If I rented a park shelter will the restrooms be open?

A key will need to be picked up at the Village office in order to have access to the restrooms at the park. There is a $20 refundable deposit that will need to be paid when the key is picked up, but once the key is returned the $20 will be returned. There is a … Continued

I am moving out of the Village, what should I do about my utilities?

Please contact the Utilities Clerk at (937) 698-1500 ext. 108 to request a final reading of your water meter, and to provide a forwarding address so that you may receive your final utility bill. You may also stop by the Village office at 701 S. Miami St., West Milton, OH to provide this information as … Continued

What should I do if my trash can was tagged?

Most of the time our crew will make a note on the tag as to what the issue is, at which point we ask that the resident precede with the request on the tag. If there are any questions in regarding the information provided on the tag, please contact the Village office at (937) 698-1500 … Continued

What should I do if my trash can was missed?

If your trash toter was missed on your regularly scheduled pickup day, please contact the Village office at (937) 698-1500 ext. 100 or 108 and we will do our best to get your toter emptied. You may also complete the “report missed trash pickup” form. If your toter was missed due to it being set … Continued

How big can the branches/limbs be for yard waste pickup?

Branches and limbs need to be cut down to lengths of 3-5 feet and bundled together for easier pickup.   Please do not just sit bundles out. Fill out the yard waste pickup request form or call (937) 698-1500 ext.108 or 100 to get on the list.   Reminder the Village is no longer accepting … Continued

How do I get on the yard waste pickup list?

Yard waste pickups need to be requested and are scheduled in for Mondays. Please do not just sit bags or bundles out. Fill out the yard waste pickup request form or call (937) 698-1500 ext.108 or 100 to get on the list. Reminder the Village is no longer accepting plastic trash bags for yard waste. … Continued

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