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Archives: FAQs

I have raccoons, what should I do?

You may contact the Village office at (937) 698-1500 and we can send our street department out to see if they are able to trap the animal and remove it from the property.

When does the 4th of July festival start?

The Village 4th of July festival for 2024 will have the schedule below. The carnival will be here starting on Tuesday July 2nd thru the 4th.  Hours for the festival are July 2nd and 3rd  5:00 to 10:00 pm, July 4th 11:00 am to 11:00 pm. We will be having a kiddie tractor pull on July 4th.  The … Continued

What do I need for a zoning permit?

A completed zoning permit application will need to be submitted to the Village office. With this application you will be required to include a drawing showing where the structure/fence is in relation to the home and property lines. There is a $20 zoning permit fee + additional cost depending on what the permit is for. … Continued

How do I get in contact with the fire department?

The Fire department can be reached via telephone at the unmanned (937) 698-9633 or you can email the Fire Chief at Please note that our fire department is a volunteer department so there is no guarantee that someone will be available. You may also contact the non-emergency number at (937) 440-9911 to speak with … Continued

I am going out of town, do you have a vacation house check process?

Yes the Village Police Department will check on a residents’ property while they are away on vacation. Please stop by the Village office at 701 S. Miami St. to complete the vacation house check form, which will passed on to the police department. You may also print the form from our website and return to … Continued

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