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Archives: FAQs

It’s after hours and my water line busted, what should I do?

If a resident has a busted water line they should first reach out to a plumber to see if they can repair the line. If the busted lines is either between the shutoff and the house, or even inside the property, it is the responsibility of the resident to complete repairs. If water needs to … Continued

Can I have chickens in the Village?

Yes residents may have chickens in the Village, however a permit is required. This permit is only good for one year and the chickens must be being used as a 4-H/FFA project. Also if any surrounding neighbors/residents object to the chickens then resident will need to remove the chickens.

What is a variance for?

A variance allows a property owner to construct a building/structure that goes against the requirements held within a zoning ordinance. Once the variance is approved by the planning board, then the owner can obtain a permit and begin the project.

I got a code violation, what do I do?

If you have received a code violation, you also have received a letter and/or door tag instructing what needs to be done to bring the property back to compliance. There is also a time frame provided as to when the work needs to be completed by, as well as resident should contact the Village office … Continued

What can be put on the green sign in front of the Village office?

The sign in front of the Village office is way for the community to be made aware of upcoming community events as well as provide news and updates on what’s happening within the Village. The Village Manager will need to review and approve any post for the green sign prior to the post being made.

Does a garage sale require a permit in the Village?

No a permit is not required by the Village in order for a resident to have a garage sale. However we do require that you contact the Village office to let us know the location and dates of the garage sale. We also ask that residents keep the number of garage sales to 3x a … Continued

How do I get my child safety seat inspected?

The West Milton Police Division offers free child safety seat inspections by NHTSA certified inspectors. Inspections are performed by appointment, generally between 3 p.m. and 11 pm, but other times may be available if necessary. Helpful information during the inspections include topics such as safety seat recalls, proper installation, appropriate seats for a child’s age, … Continued

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