Community Blessing box has been relocated to the Village Building, it is out front of the safe zone spaces.

12/2024: The Municipal Park entrance drive will be temporarily closed for a construction project. The park itself is open, just the drive to access the park is closed. Please use the entrance at the top of Washington St. to access. No vehicle access is available at this time. 

How do I get my child safety seat inspected?

The West Milton Police Division offers free child safety seat inspections by NHTSA certified inspectors. Inspections are performed by appointment, generally between 3 p.m. and 11 pm, but other times may be available if necessary. Helpful information during the inspections include topics such as safety seat recalls, proper installation, appropriate seats for a child’s age, and other helpful information.

Contact Sergeant Jason Stevens at 937-698-2677, ext. 416.

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