Upcoming Hamilton St. Booster Station Maintenance/Repairs: Tuesday, 3/25 starting at 8:00 am. You will receive a notice on orange paper if you will be affected in this upcoming water outage. If you do not receive an orange paper please disregard this as you will not be effected. This will not be for the entire Village. For more details see our news post with a map of the area that will be effected.

Click to complete the West Milton Community Needs Survey.

Police FAQs

The Municipality of West Milton is proactive when it comes to citizen needs. Council passed legislation regarding vendors and door-to-door sales/advertising. The Village of West Milton does require a solicitor’s permit. This can be obtained by stopping into the Village office at 701 S. Miami St. You will need to bring completed background check and driver’s license/state issued id to the Village office. Once the application is completed and $30 fee paid, the solicitor’s permit card will be issued and is good for 90 days from date of issue.

Important Note:
Those applying for a solicitor/vendor/peddler license can download the application to be submitted to the Municipal Receptionist for approval. View the application for more details.

You can visit the Records Clerk who is first window inside the Village office building. This is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. while the Village office is open.
For questions concerning a report please call 937-698-1500 Ext. 100.

To file a police report you may come in to the Village Building and request an officer on duty.  Village building hours are 8am-5pm Monday through Friday. If it is afterhours you can contact the police department via the non-emergency dispatch line at 937-440-9911 and request a West Milton Police officer to make a report. If it is an emergency call 911.

The best way is to contact the West Milton Police Department is to utilize the non-emergency dispatch number, 937-440-9911, and an officer who is on duty will be able to assist you.

You may call the station number 937-698-2677. The station is not always manned but in a non-emergency situation you can leave an officer a message and they will return your call as soon as they are able to.

The Police Division has recovered several lost or found items over time. Every effort is made to return these items to their rightful owners.  If you have any lost or stolen items, that you believe may have been recovered, please call (937) 698-2677 to set up an appointment to view recovered item(s) for identification.

The West Milton Police Division is pleased to offer a prescription drug drop box, designed for year round disposal of outdated or unneeded pharmaceuticals.

Individuals wanting further information can also go to www.rxdrugdropbox.org to locate take-back boxes across the country. Unintentional drug overdoses are Ohio’s leading cause of accidental death. Now, you can safely dispose of your unused medications. The drop box is located in the lobby of the Municipal Building at 701 S. Miami Street, West Milton, Ohio 45383.

Old medicine can be brought to the Village office during normal business hours and placed in our safe medication disposal box. We ask that medicine be in a container and/or bag prior to placing it in the medication disposal box, no loose pills please. Syringes, inhalers, lotions, liquids and creams-ointments are not accepted.

The West Milton Police Division offers free child safety seat inspections by NHTSA certified inspectors. Inspections are performed by appointment, generally between 3 p.m. and 11 pm, but other times may be available if necessary. Helpful information during the inspections include topics such as safety seat recalls, proper installation, appropriate seats for a child’s age, and other helpful information.

Contact Sergeant Jason Stevens at 937-698-2677, ext. 416.

Yes the Village Police Department will check on a residents’ property while they are away on vacation. Please stop by the Village office at 701 S. Miami St. to complete the vacation house check form, which will passed on to the police department. You may also print the form from our website and return to the Village office during normal business hours.  Vacation vacant house check form – West Milton, OH (proudcity.com)

Please view the West Milton Police Department personnel complaint policy here.

The West Milton Police Division is a Level Three Certified Law Enforcement Agency.

Ohio Collaborative Community Police Advisory Board: The Ohio Collaborative, a 12-person panel of law enforcement experts and community leaders from throughout the state, established state standards – for the first time in Ohio’s history – on August 28, 2015, for use of force including use of deadly force and agency employee recruitment and hiring that can help guide law enforcement agencies in Ohio. These new standards will hold everyone accountable and instill a greater confidence with the public. The Collaborative works closely with partners, including the community and law enforcement agencies, to implement the new standards. All law enforcement agencies are expected to meet or exceed these new standards as they develop policies and procedures to meet these new expectations. The Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS), a division of the Ohio Department of Public Safety, communicated those new standards to Ohio’s nearly 960 law enforcement agencies. The Ohio Collaborative also provided model policies as a resource for agencies, and OCJS serves as a contact and is available to assist agencies with implementation. As required by the Executive Order, OCJS publishes an annual report listing which state and local law enforcement agencies have adopted and fully implemented the new minimum standards. Currently, nearly 500 agencies employing over 26,000 officers (representing 74% of all law enforcement officers in Ohio and most of Ohio’s metropolitan departments) are participating in the certification process.

Residents should call 811 prior to digging in their yard and request the location of underground facilities near your proposed digging site.

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