Upcoming Hamilton St. Booster Station Maintenance/Repairs: Tuesday, 3/25 starting at 8:00 am. You will receive a notice on orange paper if you will be affected in this upcoming water outage. If you do not receive an orange paper please disregard this as you will not be effected. This will not be for the entire Village. For more details see our news post with a map of the area that will be effected.

Click to complete the West Milton Community Needs Survey.

Meeting decorum guidelines

West Milton Council Meeting Guidelines for Decorum

Thank you for your interest in your local government, it is what makes West Milton a great place to live, work, play and worship. Your input is a valuable part of the process of keeping West Milton strong and is what makes our form of government so great!

In order to be productive and to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, we ask that you honor the following guidelines;

  1. When the floor is open, only one person may address the meeting at a time. Please raise your hand and wait to be recognized by the Mayor (or the Village official running the meeting) then step to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Comments should be specific and brief, limited to 5 minutes or less. The public comment portion of the meeting is for comments only and questions will not be responded to in the meeting. Questions for the Mayor and Council should be forwarded to the Village Manager via email, phone call or appointment.
  2. When the floor is open with regards to pending legislation, comments must be limited in scope to the ordinance or resolution under consideration.
  3. When the floor is open to bring general concerns or comments before council, please address them to the council directly and please do not interrupt any official, staff or citizen that has the floor.
  4. Please do not interrupt discussion between council members at any time. Reserve your objections/concerns until the appropriate time and the floor is open.
  5. Cameras are permitted only in the designated* area of the Council Chambers. Those operating a camera must remain with the camera while it is filming. *The designated area is the southwest corner of the Council Chambers.

Please bear in mind that we all desire and are passionately working towards the same objective which is a safe and prosperous community. Working together we can continue to make West Milton a great place!


Rules of Decorum was adopted at the regular Council Meeting on 12/13/2022.

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