2/17/25: UPCOMING ROAD CLOSURE: Hayes St. will be closed for Gas line installation at 8am Thursday February 20th through Friday February the 21st between N. Main St. and N. Miami St. Will reopen on Friday February 21st at 5pm.

Week of 2/17 REMINDER: No changes in the trash service schedule for this week.

Code & Permits


Property Maintenance Code Questions

Why a Code?

The Property Maintenance Code sets minimum standards so a property owner clearly knows what maintenance is expected. Plus, it provides assurance to all residents that their neighbors will do the same. In general, the exteriors of all properties in the Municipality of West Milton should be structurally sound, and free of nuisances, unsanitary conditions, and hazards, to ensure the safety of occupants, pedestrians, and others, and to help protect property values. It is the property owner's responsibility to comply with property maintenance measures.

Who's Affected?

All owners of properties or structures within the Municipality of West Milton must comply with the Property Maintenance Code.

Who Enforces the Code?

The Municipal Manager and the Code Enforcement officer has the responsibility to enforce the code.

How Will It be Enforced?

It will be enforced initially by a formal notice of violation when inspectors observe deficiencies on a property. Later, specific legal steps maybe implemented to gain compliance and protect the rights of all residents.

Why Comply?

Property maintenance benefits property owners and neighborhoods by protecting property values. Compliance also avoids possible fines that may be imposed if property owners fail to correct property deficiencies.

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