Upcoming Hamilton St. Booster Station Maintenance/Repairs: Tuesday, 3/25 starting at 8:00 am. You will receive a notice on orange paper if you will be affected in this upcoming water outage. If you do not receive an orange paper please disregard this as you will not be effected. This will not be for the entire Village. For more details see our news post with a map of the area that will be effected.

Click to complete the West Milton Community Needs Survey.



Administration Front Desk
(937) 698-1500 ext. 100
701 South Miami Street
West Milton, Ohio 45383
Monday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm


The Village of West Milton Administration is overseen by the Municipal Manager, often referred to as the Village Manager.  The Village operates under the Council-Manager form of local government pursuant to the Village Charter adopted in May of 1965.

The Council-Manager form is the most popular structure of government in the United States among municipalities with populations of 2,500 or more.  Under this form, residents elect a governing body— including a chief elected official, such as a Mayor or Board Chairperson—to adopt legislation and set policy. The governing body then hires a Manager or Administrator with broad executive authority to carry out those policies and oversee the local government’s day-to-day operations.  The Council-Manager form of government recognizes the critical role of elected officials as policy makers, who focus on mapping out a collective vision for the community and establishing the policies that govern it. The form also recognizes the need for a highly qualified individual who is devoted exclusively to the delivery of services to residents.

The Village Manager is assisted by his Department Heads; the Service Director, the Finance Director, the Chief of Police and Fire Chief.

From the desk of the Village Manager

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