12/2024: The Municipal Park entrance drive will be temporarily closed for a construction project. The park itself is open, just the drive to access the park is closed. Please use the entrance at the top of Washington St. to access. No vehicle access is available at this time. 

Code & Permit FAQs

The Municipality of West Milton is proactive when it comes to citizen needs. Council passed legislation regarding vendors and door-to-door sales/advertising. The Village of West Milton does require a solicitor’s permit. This can be obtained by stopping into the Village office at 701 S. Miami St. You will need to bring completed background check and driver’s license/state issued id to the Village office. Once the application is completed and $30 fee paid, the solicitor’s permit card will be issued and is good for 90 days from date of issue.

Important Note:
Those applying for a solicitor/vendor/peddler license can download the application to be submitted to the Municipal Receptionist for approval. View the application for more details.

A zoning permit is required from the Village for sheds, decks, new/additional fences, swimming pools, and other home renovations. For more information or you have a question about an upcoming project that may need a permit please contact the Village Office 937-698-1500.

Complete your Zoning Permit form plus the accompanied project drawing and bring into the Village Office for approval from the Village Manager. A $20.00 fee and 1.5% developmental fee of the estimated construction cost will be due at approval of permit.

A resident can stop by the Village office during normal business hours and complete the variance application or they can print from our website and bring completed form to the Village office. Variance Form – West Milton, OH (proudcity.com) The variance applications are due by the first Friday of each month to be put on the agenda for the following month.

For example: if the application is completed by the first Friday in December, the variance will be heard at the January meeting.

Yes residents may have chickens in the Village, however a permit is required. This permit is only good for one year and the chickens must be being used as a 4-H/FFA project. Also if any surrounding neighbors/residents object to the chickens then resident will need to remove the chickens.

A variance allows a property owner to construct a building/structure that goes against the requirements held within a zoning ordinance. Once the variance is approved by the planning board, then the owner can obtain a permit and begin the project.

If you have received a code violation, you also have received a letter and/or door tag instructing what needs to be done to bring the property back to compliance. There is also a time frame provided as to when the work needs to be completed by, as well as resident should contact the Village office with an update that they have brought their property up to compliance. If a resident has any questions or needs further information on how they need to handle the violation, they should contact the Village office at 937-698-1500 ext. 100 or 108

No a permit is not required by the Village in order for a resident to have a garage sale. However we do require that you contact the Village office to let us know the location and dates of the garage sale. We also ask that residents keep the number of garage sales to 3x a year or less. You may also complete the online registration form.  Garage sale registration – West Milton, OH (proudcity.com)

Yes a permit is needed for special events such as parades and block parties. The permit can be obtained by stopping by the Village office at 701 S. Main St. or you may print it off from our website and bring the completed form to the Village office. SPECIAL EVENT Permit

A completed zoning permit application will need to be submitted to the Village office. With this application you will be required to include a drawing showing where the structure/fence is in relation to the home and property lines. There is a $20 zoning permit fee + additional cost depending on what the permit is for. Please feel free to contact the Village office at (937) 698-1500 ext. 100 if you have questions or for further information.

Residents should call 811 prior to digging in their yard and request the location of underground facilities near your proposed digging site.

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