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Hamilton Booster Station Upgrade

Resident Update: On Tuesday, August 29th the Village of West Milton will be performing an upgrade to our booster station at Hamilton St. and Hasket Rd. During this upgrade the booster station will have to be turned off and operated in manual mode. You may experience a drop in water pressure and or fluctuations during … Continued

Hydrant Flushing 2023

Hydrant Flushing 2023 Dates and Locations The West Milton Utility Department will tentatively be flushing fire hydrants the week of September 11th, 2023. This is an annual program and is scheduled to start each morning at 3:00 a.m. and continue until each section is complete. The town will be split into 5 sections, and one … Continued

Call for Volunteers

Want to be a part of the process to improve our community? Persons interested in serving on the Village Planning Board or Board of Adjustments should submit a letter of interest to the Village Manager at Village Hall, 701 South Miami Street, West Milton, Ohio 45383. The positions require residency in the Village.  The letter … Continued

Park Meeting- How should we improve our parks?

Community Visioning How should we improve our parks? Stations will be set up at the West Milton triathlon. West Milton Municipal Park Saturday, June 17th from 7am – 12 noon

Community Alert System Information

The West Milton Community Alert system is live. Get alerted about emergencies and other important community news by signing up for our Community Alert Program. This system enables us to provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of situations, such as severe weather, unexpected road closures, missing persons and evacuations of buildings or … Continued

WM Community Celebrations Fireworks Assistance

The WM Community Celebrations is looking for donations to help with the West Milton Fireworks show held on July 4th. This link will take you directly to the option to donate for the fireworks. If you have any questions, please contact the committee at:  

Upcoming Village Road Closures

Due to utility work the Village will have some upcoming road closures. Tuesday, March 28th from 8am-4pm Lyle Dr. from Park Ave. to Teri Dr. Friday, March 31st from 8am-4pm Lyle Dr. from Teri Dr. to Hasket Rd. Wednesday, April 12th from 8am-4pm Lyle Dr. between Hasket Rd. and Teri Dr. Monday, April 17th from … Continued

Change in Village Office hours

Effective March 27th, 2023 the operating hours of Village Hall will be from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, daily Monday thru Friday. We encourage our customers to take advantage of the payment drop boxes located behind Village Hall near the intersection of Main Street and Duerr Drive and at the front door of Village Hall. … Continued

Gas Main Replacement Information

CenterPoint Energy is in the process of replacing Natural gas mains in the Village of West Milton. The project involves mains on Wright Road North to Hays Street/571. The project is expected to take several months and may impact sidewalks and streets which will be repaired once the project is complete. If you have questions … Continued

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