Week of 9/9/2024: Hydrant Flushing will begin Monday 9/9 at 4 am. Please see Hydrant Flushing News Post for location sections and days each area will be flushed. **Residents may notice fluctuations in pressure throughout this period, and some cloudiness/discoloration in the water may be present.**

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Proudly serving West Milton, OH

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Tips to Avoid West Nile Virus

Posted on August 27, 2024

MOSQUITO WARNING Precautions and actions you can take to protect yourselves: Try to avoid peak times of mosquito activity by staying indoors and avoiding peak hours for mosquitoes between dusk and dawn. Inform them that dusk/sunset is much earlier now.  Occurring at approximately 8 pm. (This will continue to occur earlier in the coming days. ...



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